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Kubernetes Services: Exposing pods, communication

This blog is a little bit longer than other parts of Kubernetes explained deep enough. Kubernetes networking is a very complex topic and trying to write about all nuances of different services and mechanisms would probably take a few blogs on it's own. Instead we will focus on specific areas of Kubernetes Networking: services and look at their practical applications.

Since this series is about exercising and practical examples, we will focus less on deep diving into each service types, but rather merge them together into a broader category of Networking and look at it from holistic point of view highlighting only those aspects that are important for the examples we will work with.


Visit Kubernetes documentation if you need a refresher about Services

Basic definitions are provided on diagrams below

How does it work?

In Kubernetes service is a resource that abstracts and encapsulates a way of exposing an application running in pods as a network service.


Although services do not require DNS to work, it is strongly recommended to setup DNS service on Kubernetes using an add-on. There are several DNS services compatible with Kubernetes dns specification, 2 most popular are:

After DNS service is setup on the cluster, it is very easy to call services taking adventage of the DNS records created for each service. Since Kubernetes networking is flat meaning that resources can communicate with each other directly via their IPs, this means that it should be possible to call any service in any namespace from any pod in any namespace (providing there are no network policies blocking the traffic).

There are 4 types of services in Kubernetes:

Services Types


Note on ports:

It is often confusing to understand what ports do what in Service manifest, so let's make sure to refresh the definitions:

  • TargetPort is the Port which the application is configured to listen on
  • Port is how the application will be accessed from the outside
  • NodePort is a static port on each node where service of type NodePort is exposed

What Problem does it solve?

  • expose pods to consumers from outside of the cluster
  • enables pods to communicate with each other
  • service are easily discoverable
  • pods up and down scaling does not disrupt communication

How to implement it?

We are going to revisit scenarios from the section What Problem does it solve? and validate that the statements are correct.


If you would like to learn a few useful networking commands, I have created a gist with the ones that helped me pass my CKA certification

Kubernetes related networking commands


Instead of asciinema recording, this time we are going to use Killercoda. You just need a web browser, inquisitive mindset and some spare time to learn new things, no other prerequisites needed :)


Killercoda is a great free service. It is an "Interactive Learning and Training Platform for Software Engineers" that "enables learning new technologies using real

environments right in your browser"

Sample Scenario

A very common requirement in any system is ability to facilitate point to point communication between deployed artifacts. One of the most common scenarios for this type of communication is multi-tier architecture (3 tier layers being most common):

  • Presentation layer (UI)
  • Application layer (business logic, API, middleware)
  • Date Persistance layer (typically database, but can be disc etc)

Below diagram shows connectivity between different layers of the multi-tier architecture application. We are going to see how communication part of this setup can be recreated using Kubernetes native resources.



Modern architectures, especially microservices follow different architectural patterns. For example The Twelve-Factor App approach where connectivity between application layer and data persistance layer is done via HTTPS and often UI part of the application is served as a static web app or SPA.

One key difference in Kubernetes world and more broadly, in the era of infrastructure as code, servers are a resource like any other and are dynamically provisioned. Workloads can be reschedules on a different server any any time without notice and everything is expected to work just the same. So first change is that instead of fixed servers we have dynamic, flexible infrastructure. Those are Kubernetes Cluster Nodes.

We are not going to focus on DNS resolution from URL in browser address which happens on public DNS.

Now, let's see how simiart architecture could look like using Kubernetes:


By introducing the service abstraction we have decoupled actual workloads from communication mechanism. This allows us to take advantage of the dynamic nature of Kubernetes infrastructure and unlocked additional possibilities like scaling, separation of layers etc. Kubernetes can now move pods to other nodes, scale them or destroy and re-create without causing disruption to our application.

This time for each scenario we are going to use formalized notation called Gherkin Syntax. This will help us better express goals and conditions of our experiments.


Typically we would use testing framework like Specflow or Cucumber,

but for the purpose of learning we are going to execute steps in the Killercoda environment manually.

Let's describe our scenarios and head to my Killercoda Scenario and experiment on your own!

Expose pods to consumers from outside of the cluster

Feature: NodePort Service

Expose service on each node on the
same static port. Accessible on each node IP:PORT combination

Scenario: Application running in pods accessed from outside of the cluster
Given there is nginx deployment present in the cluster
When deployment is exposed using "NodePort" Service
Then sample page correctly renders on the node port in "Killercoda"

Conclusion: We have successfully proven that workloads running in pods can be easily consumed from outside of the cluster

Enables pods to communicate with each other

Feature: Cluster Networking

Kubernetes networking is flat meaning that resources
can communicate with each other directly via their IPs

Scenario: Pods communicate with each other
Given there is nginx deployment present in the cluster
And deployment is exposed using "NodePort" Service
When pods of the deployment are curled using "http://nginxsvc" name from a busybox pod
Then index.html content is returned to the terminal

Conclusion: We have successfully proven that pods can communicate with each other via services using DNS service

Service are easily discoverable

Feature: Service Discovery

Services in Kubernetes are discovered via
environmental variables or DNS service

Scenario: New service created in cluster discovered via environmental variables
Given there is nginx deployment present in the cluster
And deployment is exposed using "NodePort" Service
When new deployment and service are created
Then environmental variables for new service are created in pods of new deployment
But not in pods of old deployment

Scenario: New service created in cluster discovered via environmental DNS service
Given there are 2 nginx deployments present in the cluster
And deployments are exposed using "NodePort" Services
When we want to reach services via curl
Then it is possible to curl new service by name from any of the old pods
And it is possible to curl old service by name from any of the new pods

Conclusion: We have successfully proven that services can be very easily discovered via environmental variables and DNS service

Pods up and down scaling does not disrupt communication

Feature: Services Encapsulation

Services encapsulate and abstract communication mechanism
from actual workloads running in pods

Scenario: Deployment scaled up
Given there is nginx deployment present in the cluster
And deployment is exposed using "NodePort" Service
When deployment is scaled up to "5" replicas
Then page on the same NodePort in "Killercoda" is accessible without disruptions
And new endpoints are registered in the service manifest

Scenario: Deployment scaled down
Given there is nginx deployment present in the cluster
And deployment is exposed using "NodePort" Service
When deployment is scaled up to "1" replica
Then page on the same NodePort in "Killercoda" is accessible without disruptions
And endpoints are removed from the service manifest leaving only one

Conclusion: We have successfully proven that scaling pods and up and down does not disrupt availability of the application